I thought I would show you some postcards from my collection.But first of all "noswaith dda" which is "good evening " in Welsh.I have decided to give learning Welsh another go.I did try a few years ago but gave up so here goes again.We are meeting every week,just five of us so far,with our teacher being a lady who was a Welsh teacher.As it is a U3A group it is free we just have to buy the course book.Wish me luck!
I have a recently new hobby of collecting old postcards and I thought I would share a few with you.The first one is a Mabel Lucie Attwell pc postmarked 1922.I tend to buy on e bay.Usually they go for about£5 but I bought one tonight for £1.04.
This is a WW1 pc posted in 1917 to a soldier serving in France.
This a 1901 Victorian pc .You were only allowed the address on one side and no other writing.
This changed in 1904.
This changed in 1904.