Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Are you ready for Christmas or .......

Well ,the snow has gone and it actually quite mild today and it looks as though the weather is going to be OK over Christmas.We are going to our daughter's on Christmas Eve and staying two nights so no catering for me.Having done Xmas for so many years it is quite nice not to have the responsibility for it.
At the weekend we had Ruby and Emily to stay.Ruby had had a tummy bug so I was a bit nervous we might catch it but we seem to be OK.On Saturday afternoon we went to the pantomime at Theatr Clwyd.Sleeping Beauty this year.There was a cast of 11 and it seemed like a cast of 30 as they all played different parts and different instruments.So much talent and they probably get paid next to nothing.Then in the evening it was the final of Strictly Come Dancing and Joe won.Hurray!!
This morning it was our Art Appreciation Group(U3A).The speaker's topic was Art you can see inAmsterdam which was a reminder to us of the wonderful art in this city and made us want to visit again soon.

Does anybody else feel a touch of sadness at this time of the year for people who are lonely,hungry ,homeless etc.I was talking to a chap this morning who has lost his wife and his two daughters.He will be on his own this Christmas.If we were at home I would have invited him here.I did drop hints to various people so hopefully someone will offer him some company.This year I have given my fuel allowance to be divided between a charity that supports refugees and also the homeless in Chester and the rest I shall give to the Foodbank after Christmas when I expect donations will dry up.

Back soon but still no photos.I must learn how to transfer photos from my phone(android) on to this blog.Any help would be appreciated.


  1. I email my photos from the phone to myself then save them to my computer from there. Probably a clumsy method but it works for me ! Merry Christmas Barbara.

  2. I always feel sad at this time of year and usually support the Salvation Army because they do such good work for the homeless and elderly people who are alone. Wishing you and your family a very happy Christmas:)

  3. I do feel sadness on every holiday as I feel so many people are grieving, hurting, feeling lost or lonely. Am I crazy to feel this way? I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family.

  4. Have a lovely Christmas and a peaceful 2018. I don't use my phone for photos because the camera isn't very good. I find it easier to use my proper camera, save the photos to my computer and add them to my blog from there.
