Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Has anyone any ideas why,suddenly...

I cannot add comments to peoples posts.I have done various replies recently and none have appeared.HELP


  1. Have you gone back and checked later, maybe the blogger's in question have word verification in place and publish the comments after they have checked them. 🤔

  2. How very odd. I hope you get it sorted. xx

  3. Oh dear, I've not come across this problem, at least we can still leave a comment with you:)

  4. I've not had any trouble with that, suggest you clear your cache and reboot your computer, and like Linda above suggested go back and check. Lots of folks have to approve comments before they get posted and you might not have seen such a notice.

  5. I had the same problem on and off recently. It does seem to happen from time to time and I think there must be a glitch at the time. I just wait for a day or two as it always seems to sort itself out.

  6. Your comment appeared nicely thankyou and thankyou for my Birthday wishes. If you're not techy these things can be baffling can't they. I' not, and neither is Tom. I liked the old Blogger but then I don't like change of anything, lol.
