Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Two weeks ago today we moved house.

We decided the removal company would pack all our books,pictures and the kitchen.What a nightmare.Just in the kitchen alone we had 24 boxes.6 layers of paper to wrap an egg cup.We ended up with 17 bin bags full of paper and at least forty boxes. We are very pleased with the house.The dining room is tiny and our dining table would have filled it so we have put that in the conservatory which is huge and made the dining room into a snug with a sofa and bookcases.A major problem we had was that the stairs have a turn at the bottom and they couldn't get the wardrobes upstairs.Fortunately there were fitted wardrobes in two of the bedrooms so we are using them but the hanging rails are soooo high.I am 5'5 in and am struggling to reach them., It is lovely being so close to Sarah and her family.Her OH is still not driving followinghis brain tumour op so we able to help out.C picked Ruby up from Guides last night.Both Ruby and Emily have popped in after school and M and S have been round for cups of tea.It is great being close to family as we are getting older but we are so tired.Yesterday I started the nightmare of informing people of our new address building societies,driving licence etc .The number of times I was told " Due to Covid.....and then played me music for what seemed like forever.Very frustrating So, hopefully, I am back in Blogland and as my energy levels start to rise hope to be back on here more. I have been reading everyones blogs and was so sad to read about Teresa in Oregon.


  1. I think you are marvellous taking on a move when older. I'm exhausted each day just with every day living so I can appreciate how you feel. The bonus is being near your family so I hope you are happy in your new home and look forward to your new posts.

  2. The start of a new chapter! I hope you'll be very happy in your new home.

  3. I hope you will be happy in your new home. Moving is something we have to think about soon as the garden here is getting too much for us:)

  4. Congratulations on surviving and I wish you all the best in your new home. You'll get the snags sorted out in time, I am sure, and the last year has taught us that being near family is a priceless thing.

  5. Wishing you many years of happiness in your new home. It will be lovely living so close to your family and being able to see them regularly.
