Saturday, 28 December 2013

What a brilliant Christmas..

 Our two gorgeous granddaughters having "pretend" Bucks Fizz just before going out for Xmas dinner.We went over to Sarah's on Christmas Eve and so could join in all the excitement of  putting out sacks,carrots for the reindeer,mince pie and wine for Santa etc.Magical!On Christmas Day we didn't have too early a start.7.45am.Pretty good.There was great excitement opening presents.We then went out to the local pub for Xmas dinner which was great.Lovely atmosphere,superb food and no washing up.Back home to open more presents and play some games.In the three days we were there we only watched TV for an hour.The girls played really well together ,totally sharing all their presents.It was lovely and we thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it .

Mike,Sarah,Emily and Ruby in the pub just before lunch.


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. You have a beautiful family!

  2. sounds lovely, no washing up, great!! nice to play games and spend time together. Have a happy and healthy new year! Heather x

  3. What a lovely Christmas, it sounds perfect.

  4. Sounds like you had a really brilliant time!
