Sunday, 17 March 2019

Why does Sunday come round so quickly?

Why does Sunday come round so quickly?Sunday morning we clean.One week I do upstairs and C does downstairs.The next week we change.You see different things that need doing.I hate cleaning and just have to convince myself that I am burning calories.
Sunday I always speak to my brother.We decided to do this many years ago because he never phoned me.Now we speak at lunchtime when he has come back from church.Today I got up feeling quite down.Yesterday Sarah's birthday was great.All I can put it down to is that I have a very busy week coming up and perhaps I am a bit daunted.A bit of cleaning sorted that out.
C decided he needed to mow the front lawn and I decided I needed to tackle a dead Kerria Japonica.It died last year and when I googled it the RHS said it is caused by a disease which affects only Kerria.We have a new battery powered hedge trimmer so I set to with this and did the job.I felt quite pleased with myself.We have the possibility of a new problem in the garden.We have squirrels but they have started building a drey in one of our trees.I really do not want a family of them.They bury conkers in pots and beds and the lawn and then dig them up.Googling squirrel deterrents got me nowhere.The only suggestion was chilli flakes.They don't like the smell.The man in the garden centre  also suggested this.I haven't got chilli flakes but a bottle of very strong chilli sauce which we have liberally spread round the trunk and on the fence.I bet you haven't got chilli sauce in your garden!!!
Tomorrow we go to the theatre to see Ian McKellen in his one man show for his 80th birthday.C went to the same school as him and has left some reviews of a school playIan M was in aged 15.
More tomorrow.Barbarax


  1. Just so you know, if your squirrels are anything like ours over here, chili anything won't deter them! Just enjoy having non-violent wildlife close by, that's what we have to do. They are the smartest rodents in the garden and can entertain you with some really funny moments - especially if you also have bird feeders!!!!!!

  2. I squirted chili sauce in my plants to deter Bear from eating the dirt, it really worked. You sound very busy my friend. Have a wonderful wek and good luck with the squirrels.

  3. Sundays seem to whizz around, I'm not sure where the weeks go. Have fun at the theatre. CN x

  4. I'm fed up of not being able to walk out as much in this wet weather too. I hope you have a wonderful theatre visit, Ian McKellen is a favourite of mine after seeing him as Hamlet and Dr Faustus at Nottingham playhouse in the late 60s early 70s:)

  5. That sounds like a very good weekend! I need to get into some kind of routine with cleaning, I tend to leave it too long now there’s only two of us at home. Yes I’m getting lazy! 🤣x

  6. The squirrels bury acorns in my small garden and little oak trees appear. I have to be on the ball spotting them before they get established. I've moved one to a pot as Hubby wanted to keep at least one. Our garden is far too small to grow one in the ground!
