Sunday, 1 May 2016

A busy few days

 Last Thursday evening we hosted the U3A(University of the Third Age) Wine Appreciation Group.One couple normally do it but we offered to give them a break.Our friend Paul,sat at the end,said he would do the wine so we were left with providing nibbles to start and then cheese,olives etc half way through.and hosting it.Firstly, the house had to be cleaned(Iam not a fan of housework!).Secondly ,we had to assemble enough chairs,plates,glasses etc for 17.Thirdly, we needed 12 different cheeses.C wanted as many Welsh cheeses as we could find.We found seven.It was a great evening ,as always, spent with good friends.
 On Friday our middle granddaughter,Emily,was eleven.We went over after school and then all went for a meal at a Chinese restaurant.She is a beautiful girl,inside and out.Sarah,our daughter,nearly died the day Emily was born due to an incompetent anaesthetist.Thankfully it turned out OK and we have our gorgeous girls.
 I don't know whether I have shown you this before but it was on my camera to show the lady in our new yarn shop.All the flowers are crocheted.
 I am fed up of knitting socks,shawls and scarves.Every bed has a crocheted blanket as do all my grandchildren so what next.I decided I might have a go at these mittens and if they work out they would make good Xmas presents.
I have chosen two bright colours.I don't think the lady in the Yarn Shop approved but hey ho!
Just to finish I have to tell you how awful the weather is here in North Wales.It is cold and we have had sleet and hail for days on end.I just want some sunshine,just a little bit will do!

Any ideas for a new project would be welcomed.

Helsie,Kathy,Una,Bobo Bun,Jane where are you?Have you stopped blogging?

Love to you all.


  1. Your evening with friends sounds wonderful. Your granddaughters are so beautiful, so sorry to hear about your daughters issues with the delivery. Good luck with the mittens, they are too complex for me!

  2. Sounds like you had a perfect evening and a lovely birthday to celebrate.
    I'd go with those colours myself for the mitts, you are not alone!

  3. I think mitts for Christmas is a great idea.

  4. Looks as if you have had a lovely, busy week. The mittens look lovely and warm and we could have done with them as we have been in Wales for a few days and experienced the cold and sleety weather you have described:)

  5. Those mittens look lovely, they would make great gifts. I am hoping to knit some things for charity. I quite like the idea of 'twiddlemuffs' for people suffering from dementia.

  6. Your mitts will be lovely!!! Glad you had a good time with your U3A friends!

  7. What a lovely evening you put on. All those happy faces say they all enjoyed it too.
    Glad your girls enjoyed the birthday - didn't like the sound of her actual birth though.
    I've been hearing about your lingering cold weather. We have the opposite with never ending heat ! finally it is a bit cooler this morning. Enough to pull up the cotton blanket. Hurrah !
