Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Completed shawl!

Here it is .My completed shawl.Fortunately you can't see the mistakes!!I just love doing lace knitting and today got my pink parcel from Poshyarn.Two hanks of Claudia 2ply, one is Sagebrush and the other is called Ingenuous.One greens and the other mauves and pinks.Now to decide on patterns.Any suggestions?

I really do need to take some lessons in photo compostion!


  1. Oh that looks lovely! I've frogged my shawl as it didn't look right. The needles seem too big and the lace is sort of 'loose'. Is this right? I couldn't really make out the pattern, does it look better when it's blocked?

  2. Apparantly all lace looks terrible as it's being knitted and blocking brings out the beauty - or so I've been told. Just about to have a go myself for the first time.
