Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Blogtober.Oops.I missed a day.

 I knew I could not keep it up.

Last night we went out for a meal with five friends.Originally there were eleven that went out for a meal together.C and D went down to Wiltshire ( from N.Wales) to be closer to family.Then C and B moved to Royston to be near their daughter.D has dementia and his wife has Parkinson’s.This just left five of us and then in April we moved from N Wales to Cheshire to be near our daughter.Has COVID made us all scared?

However, couple number two had to go back to a funeral of a mutual friends of ours.So,last evening we had a get together of  seven of the original eleven.It was just as though none of us had moved away.Great friendships last forever and it was as though we had met a week ago.Doug was a talented,clever,intellectual and practical man.So unassuming.He died from COVID despite being doubly vaccinated and no other health issues.

Our friends suggested a coffee at a garden centre after the funeral.B had a terrible cough and cold.They assured us he had tested negative.My OH is vulnerable.No spleen and R A.

RIP Doug.

A brighter blog from me tomorrow I promise.



  1. We have this problem with Tom's illness, it comes with a cough and he tries desperately to suppress it when we are out in case people think he's got the lurgy, lol

  2. RIP Doug, Covid is a horrible thing.
